[Music: Breaking Benjamin - Diary of Jane]
She dances around with a glass of wine,
The scar on the inside burns,
As tears fall down her face,
She's proud of the decisions she has made,
But that doesnt mean it doesn't hurt,
She's hooked on those movies,
The ones that still give her hope on love,
She dies to be happy and smile,
To dance around with true joy,
There are dayz of utter hopelessness,
But there are times where she is reminded of the good things,
All she wants is a getaway,
To just go far and be shown what is beauty is meant by,
She occupies herself with the oddest of things,
At least they make her happy,
Even for just the moment,
There are gonna be beautiful days,
She's startin to lack in patience,
Are they good days to start with?
Oh God show her the light,
For she's losing herself through it all,
So young but so broken,
She's seen things beyond her age,
But heartbreak has been the worst kind,
Trust seem to be her issue,
There's always gonna be doubt lurking in the air,
Maybe all she needs is time,
Time to leave this all behind.