Monday, August 16, 2010


Being sick during the holidays is SO not good!
What makes it worse is when you managed to contaminate your whole family along!!

After 3 doctor visits, I have my voice back and am staying away from the joys of chili...
Which makes me very sad,
I guess the plus side of being sick is I got to lose weight..Yay me :)
However now the rest of my family is sick including my dad who barely gets sick..He n mum are in an orchestra at night..

Went "Aussie" shopping yesterday, I got the leggings I needed and an ugly pair of sneakers. I hate shoe shopping with my parents. They clearly have something against comffy flip flops...Hmmph

Well am off to send Alejandro to the polish..So he'll be all sexy and shiny when he gets backs.

5 hours at Pyramid!

Sunday, August 08, 2010

The Up and Abouts

Well I finished finals a couple of weeks ago and been bumming at home a couple of weeks more. I think I really need a job or something but am plainly lazy and therefore am draining my bank account slowly but surely..I wish I had a money tree in my backyard or a job I could go into when I was in the mood for

Finals were stressful as usual and I nearly got sick..So close!..Results were fine and as I was head on determined to move in the HR course which is under a different associated uni. A British one. The brilliant counselor who took off without my knowing who took me forever to find gave me false hope and ended up my dad taking over the whole situation. Seriously my dad is best at getting stuff done in a jiffy! I love him for that besides the fact he forgets he gives me allowance money and gives me more:D..Ended up talking to the dean and after clearly stating they have very incapable stuff, she said I have to take year 1 again cause the subjects can't be mapped and shit. Like hello! It's a freaking business program not doctorate. All business programs have the same first year subjects. What more she tried to make it seem like it was my fault that I didn't get in contact with anyone on purpose!! She really ticked me off la. If my parents weren't there, I would have seriously slapped her. Even when I stated that I might as well switch colleges, she didn't give a damn. RAWR

Therefore I ended up applying to INTI. So yeah, I'm most probably gonna be an INTI student in September. New environment, new people, new classrooms, same old awesome lunch places!, oh and the awesome possum boyfriend :D..haha..

Oh am leaving to Aussie in a couple of weeks btw. So awesome chocolates, yummy white boys and lovely cheesecakes and pastries, oh sweet wine...HERE I COME...


Saturday, August 07, 2010

I'm Halfway Gone

I'm down with the cold.
Am currently voiceless.
I'm coughing like crazy and my body hurts.
I can't taste food nor smell so I dislike everything but bread and kung fo cha( I hope I spelled it right).
I've been downloading 2 to 3 movies a day. That makes me happy :)
I'm whiny as you can see
I wanna go on a road trip
I'm in love with Eminem's Love the Way You Lie video..I teared when I first watched it..I still tear a little..It's the 8th time now
I wanna get nice, long hair extensions!!
My sister got another rabbit and I love her..We share a special bond. I sneak her food and she nibbles me outta love...Am sure of it
I need to stop watching movies that make me wail(notice: Not cry)...It's not cool to waste so much tissue...And it definitely doesn't help my flu.
I'm gonna go look for more Nancy Drew games.

-Little Miss Obsessive-