Saturday, August 07, 2010

I'm Halfway Gone

I'm down with the cold.
Am currently voiceless.
I'm coughing like crazy and my body hurts.
I can't taste food nor smell so I dislike everything but bread and kung fo cha( I hope I spelled it right).
I've been downloading 2 to 3 movies a day. That makes me happy :)
I'm whiny as you can see
I wanna go on a road trip
I'm in love with Eminem's Love the Way You Lie video..I teared when I first watched it..I still tear a little..It's the 8th time now
I wanna get nice, long hair extensions!!
My sister got another rabbit and I love her..We share a special bond. I sneak her food and she nibbles me outta love...Am sure of it
I need to stop watching movies that make me wail(notice: Not cry)...It's not cool to waste so much tissue...And it definitely doesn't help my flu.
I'm gonna go look for more Nancy Drew games.

-Little Miss Obsessive-

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