Thursday, September 22, 2011


So I know I haven't blogged in forever. I guess am just plain lazy cause really I can't come up with anyone other better reason.

Also I just realized blogger just had a makeover. The same week as Facebook. Or maybe this change took place weeks ago and I never realized. Well whatever the case its just too many changes to comprehend in a week.

I slept at 3am last night drowning in Matt Nathanson, Patrick Stump, One Republic,and a bunch of random music videos. Time just flew by.Also I realized that Matt Nathanson has a nose piercing! His sounds too boy next door for that. Also Patrick Stump decided to be sexy but am not buying it. I think he and Pete Wetz made the ultimate couple and that's why it didn't work out with Ashlee Simpson for Pete. Sometimes I think I should work E news,People magazine or Us Weekly the way I keep with the celebrity gossip. It's a secret indulgence of mine. I think it's a little weird at times.

It's currently the 8th week at college and assignments and tests are rolling in however all my TV shows are returning this week.So how!! I am also itching to start watching new tv series's. As though I need more.

I decided to audition for iChoir this week.Am so proud of me. I wanted to bail at the last minute actually. That always happens when am about to join a club but I couldn't this time cause it was a blazing storm outside and I was stuck in college.

That was the recap of my life for the week.

I promise there will be more soon.


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