[Mood: Dreamy]
[Music: Lifehouse - Take Me Away]
Its Valentines ppl.The prices of roses raised to the higgest possible,boxes of chocolates on speacial sales(best part ever!),every restaurant havin some sort of promotion and people dancing aorund with love ringing in the air.It's a real speacial day.
My valentine started out disastrous,precisely at 12.First I thought it was a joke,then I got hit by reality,into a state of shock,drama followed and then it ends up sweet in its on little way.Long story PpL......anywayzz....I spent my morning with my baby boy,which was real fun,I really enjoy our conversations.He alwayz has his own little way of makin me smile and I love that bout him.He somehow brigtens my day.Sadly I can't go out with him today and all.Sorry bout that baby!
Well besides that,I've been studying and just hanging around listening to music the usual.Nothing much really.
Valentine's Day isn't just bout being in love but it's also appericiating your friendships.So to all my friends,Thankz for alwayz being there,Love you guyz loadz!!!
~HapPy VaLenTine's Day Ya'LL~
P.S:ThankZ For The Note on Friendster Vitz,ReallY Apperaicate it!!!
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