[Mood: Pondering]
[Music: Matthew Ryan - Return To Me]
I thought everything was perfect for once.That the feelin of content was true.The last few weeks seemed great but I felt I've been running away from it all.Deep down I felt the truth but denial was strong.Here's why we don't want the truth,it's because most of the time it suxs.Deep down I was still aching from it.I was still carrying the scars and I questioned all that I felt.At 2 in the mornin,with silence lingering in the air.I found myself again.After months of being lost in the darkness,I finally found my principles and desires.My dreams and hopes.I want them all over again but in the right path this time.
I guess ppl are sent at different moments of our lives for a purpose.Each one to impact us in their own way.I know now that I have to learn to depend on me more than ever.To learn to stand on my own and know that I'll be ok.The gf and I had a past an hour long phone convo.And we talked bout all the yrs we've spent together,what we wanted,what we've learnt and we realized at 17,you can't afford anymore screw ups.It's a time in your lifewhere you're old enough to better but you aren''t that young to not care.
I thought to myself that nite.I wanted to be this all my life and maybe I wanted to grow up too fast.But I have no regrets though.Yes I've made bad decisions but I believe every little detail in our life has its own lil purpose.The reason we get hurt and broken.Would we learn if there was no pain? Thats what I ask myself a lot.As I alwayz remind myself "Experience is a hard teacher, you get the test first and the lesson wayy later" and then you'll probably go "damn I wish I just listened in the first place".Yea ppl I've been down that road.
But at this moment in my life I'm gonna be me.I'm not gonna let the past aches and pain change the person I am.I'm gonna stay true to my principles and ideals in life.I'm tired of ppl judging as if they know it all.Sometimes even the ppl you think know you best has not the slightist clue of who you are.I guess thtat hurts sometimes cause you thought they'll alwayz be reliable.Right now all I know is the most reliable person is me.I am who am and your approval is not DESIRED or REQUIRED!
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