Its just been created.
I'm just feeling so trapped. Being in a box that has barely any room and the whole thing is sealed.
Am running out of air and patience.
There are times where am at the verge of exploading.But then I go through the stop and breathe procedure and stuff all these emotions back in. I don't know for how long more I can pull this off.And I doubt this will go away anytime soon. It's alwayz been there all these years and I guess will alwayz be...Sometimes I wish they would just see me from me and not who they want to see..I wish I could just put down my guard once and for all!If only if it were that simply.But then I rather be on a deserted island then do tht..
They say honesty is alwayz the best but here it is not.Really.How long can all this go on for? Damn I'm just gonna jinx the whole situation la..*knocks on wood*....Seriously I dont even wanna go there.I just wanna it to go on forever so I never have the deal with it all.
I can't really go into details because its complicated.
And I just don't wanna think about it too much.Maybe that's why.
I really needed to get this out...
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