Thursday, July 14, 2005


[Mood: Calm]
[Music: Marion Raven - Here I Am]

My dayz have been very quite lately and I have been very calm.
Everthing seems to be going on smoothly and nothing has been overly dramtic lately.
Thats really really is

I watched "War of the Worlds" last week.Very cool speacial effects and all.A really cool flick.Tom Cruise is such a HOTTIE!!!
I know his really his hot.

I guess thts the only intersting thing I did last week......not forgetting tht music talk I went was kinda cool too...

I have organ class today and I have 2 head 2 church in the evening.I've Bible skool work to do today.

So I guess I have 2 start practicing the organ soon and start memorizing some stuff for skool.*siGh*

:+:Maybe it was wrong 2 let you go,
Maybe it was wrong 2 never show,
But sometimes it feels so right,
And maybe wht I did was right. :+:

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