Monday, September 25, 2006

Neither of us can see

[Mood: Emo-ish]
[Music:Incubus - Neither of Us Can See]

The week has been long and emo-ish.Pullin through and tryin to make the most of it.Lessons learned,did somethin unexpected(:P),hanged on the phone from 1 till nearly 3 in the mornin...alwayz wanted to do that! and trust me its great fun specially if that person is someone very dear 2 ya,daydreamt throughout the week.Thought too much ahead on the future,crapped a lot,missed a fren or two,cried for a few nites and laughed a lot.
I love being a teenager but the emo part has been gettin to me this week.....

Believing in learnin through experience so strongly...I'm a rather stuborn person I would say.Being told again and again but refusin to hear.Confused lately but the truth can be heard but the here's the truth about the truth.It hurts so we lie.A part of me doesn't wanna move on and a part of me knows that if I don't,it'll be really stupid of me.Left with so many memories and scars.Wantin to scream out loud but not heard,wantin to be held but distance gets in the middle..all I have left is the window panel I started with...

I think am just gonna lay back and not stress on it too much for a while.Just waste time and have loadz of fun.Maybe I just stressed on it a bit whee to much and I guess it's time to chill outz with the homies and concentrate on livin dayz with no regrets.

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