Sunday, August 03, 2008

And So A New Chapter Begins..

[Music: Yellowcard - City of Devils]

I officially started college on July 28th!
Here's the 1st week:

Iwas superr nervous the night before and mostly because I knew I had to endure early mornings from now onwards.Guess I was dreading on that..haha..mostly...

Went to Taylors at about 8 something.Goodness it was horribly jammed..*bah*..Arrived early for orrientation and I was smsin Revathy lookin for her.(she is the one I gave Chocolate to..chocolate as in my previous dog!)She called the night before and we realzed we had the same orientation day.She's taking Interior Design.When I went into the auditorium it seriously felt like being in standard 1 again. Met a couple of people from Communications. The we split into our classes.When we went for my class briefing, I realized I was the only gurl in my class..*shrieks*..and then I realized it was gonna be like this for the whole!...Never expected this! And the class had more foreign students than Malaysians.There were students from China,Norway and some middle eastern country whose name I can never seem to remember.The whole day was pretty much lectures non-stop.

Second day of orientation was longer and was even more draggy.Cept for one guy who spoke on Academy Success..He was rather entertaning.He told us not to be just be book smart but also to come up with our ideas.I found that really interesting.I hang out with Revathy for pretty much the whole day. I had to sit for an English test than day if failed I would have to sit for extra english lessons this semester and only start Technical English next semester.The test was for 3 hours.It wasn't as diffcult as the SAT but it was loong. Then the computing class had a met with a senior session and an ice breaker. It did break the ice a little...

Orientation was only for 2 dayz..ish ish..Classes begun on Wednesday.First class was stastics. It was joined with the communication students.This was an elective for them.The lecturer was this class scares me.She's also gonna be the same lecture for math.Maybe thats why..lolz..This class was basically an intro and we finished early.Had lunch at the mamak with Revathy. Nearly everyone's lunch break is the same time.The food options are pretty good here..there are 2 malay shops,3 or 4 chinese and 2 mamaks.So am happy that the food isnt sucky :D

Second class was on Thursday.It was Intro to Computing.This was a pretty intersting class and the lecturer is nice as well.She's kinda funny in her own wayy.Oh and when every lecturer came in, the first thing they notice is "oh you're the only girl!" Seriously do I really wanna be reminded..*sigh*....She gave us an assaignment on the 1st class! It was a group one though bout computer gerations.Apparently there are 6 generations of computers...We were to do the 3rd and 4th.In my group was the China guy and three middle eastern guy. Was on my to check my results for my english test when a middle eastern guy from my class came and told me my results,apparently he checked mine as well...lolz... And so I passed! I got 7.8 over 8.He even found out the exact score I got..hahaha..Was suppose to have english then but it got cancelled so I got to go home at 1.I had no class on friday and was seriously glad!! I was already fucking tired by thursday....

Well college turned out into something totally unexpected! I had this whole different picture in my head.At first I was really whiny and upset bout the whole thing. But I realized I have a year of this to go through so I have to find a wayy to make the best out of it. Basically I went through an attitude adjustment during the weekend.And was prepared for the week ahead and all that was to come....

And so a new road is discovered...


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