Monday, August 04, 2008

Best Movie of the Summer...So Farr..

I alwayz anticipate the summer flicks.They are alwayz the best of the year.This year though the big ones did not live up.Like Indiana Jones..wht the hell is up with the aliens!!..*ish* Then there was Hellboy II with its cheese jokes,The Mummy II was another disappointment.Why did Rachel Weinz retake her role!! The other actress is so old and has no chemistry with Brandon Fraser.And the potraly of their son was plainly annoying ...The Hulk was in between it all.I did not manage to catch most of it though cause of my skoolwork and all..*bah*...

The best this summer so far has been..Batman: The Knight Rider!!!!!!

Christian Bale portrays Batman well cept for the weird animal like voice he has when his batman.That kinda sounds like he has a sore throat..They switched Katie Holmes with Maggie Gyllenhaal.She was okies I guess..But the star of the movie that captured me was...

The Joker!!!

Heath Ledger was absolutely fabalous!! I was just totally freaked out and in awe at his character.It was totally disturbing to the point I was afraid I would end up having nightmares.Seriously.

I guess he knew he was gonna leave hollywood forever after this movie so he decided to give it his all for this role.He was plainly superb!

I just cant believe how the gay lad from brokeback mountain

Became this

It was really cool!! How well he protrayed this character.

The joker shall alwayz be remembered!!

R.I.P Heath Leadger

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