Thursday, February 24, 2005


At last..after such a long time...I got da chance of sleeping in late..hahaha...woke up at 10...was soo much happier and cheerful 4 da rest of da day..c if a gurl getz da amount of sleep she needs she'll be good 4 da whole day...LoLZzz...studied 4 like 2 hours...went 2 organ class....i played well this week...after annoying my poor teacher for 3 last I played da whole song without irrating said "good job and better than last week"... :) ..i bet it was 10 times better than last week.. :p..cause of da loads of practice...going 2 have 2 work on a report nowz..its dues this friday...which apparently is 2moro...nit3ZzZ...

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