Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Save Me!!

[Mood:Bored to death]
[Music: Blink 182 - Alwayz]

Havent check in for a while

So heres a quick update:

Saturday:chillaxed,did some studying,all da usual stuff.Da only extraordinary thing i did was watch "one tree hill" after such a looong time.Chad Micheal Murray is one cute hottie!!!!..lolz

Sunday: I had a bad day.Church and all was okies.But my mum was in of one her nagging moods.So tht made my day fuckin misreable.*siGh*

Monday:Da usual stuff>>studying,reading,listening 2 music,wasting time.I did discover a new hobby though.Lying on the floor and starin at da lights is fun.really fun!!

So as you can see my dayz are becoming less and less eventful.If something doesnt happen soon,am gonna go Insane.


I've gotta do some skool work nowz,its pilling up madly.And my science teacher is bugging me 2 finish a project up.

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