Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday and a Gathering

Today started out the usual Sunday.After church the family and I went to Subang Parade for lunch and I needed to get some stuff for my dish for the gathering that evening.Then went looking for a new cover for Marco.Got home around 3 something and I rushed around to finish my patato salad. Rachey came and picked me up at about 5 something.I meet up with Adam for the first time since he came we chilled at her place and waited for teacher Ben Lee to pick us up.

It wasnt that difficult to find the place.The housing area is lovely.Very safe.There are no fences in between the houses and all.And the area is guarded quite well so its kies to go wandering about anytime of the day! We headed to the club house and everyone was up and bout at the basketball court and the pool.Said hi to everyone and had dinner.What are gatherings without our awesome camwhorin sessions!

Rachey and I with an alike pose!..haha

Adam,Esther,Rachel Q and me

Rachel Q and Esther

Rachey,Adam,Rachey Q and Me

My gurlz!

The Rachelz and I

Me,Rachey and Esther

Rachel,Esther and Kimberly


Group take 1

Group take 2

Rachel Goh,Esther,Rachel Q

Rachel Q!

Rachey and I

Esther dear!

I like this pic..rachey looks so cute :D!


Jonathan Goh

The Rachels

Me and Adam

Rachel Q and Adam

After dinner, we exchanged gifts.Daniel Yee,Daniel Foo and Bryan joined us after.Then we had a suprise bithday for Nicholas.After us responsible seniors cleaned up while the juniors went off to Nicholas's place to play mafia. It was kind of fun..never played it before went home around 10 something or so.

I heart my gurlz!


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