Friday, September 26, 2008


[Music: The Academy Is - The Test]

I have a week off!!
I seriously apperiacte breaks these dayz.It means catching up on lost sleepin hours and the last 2 dayz have been me doing some major chillaxin!

So since God knows when I'll have time to myself again,I decide to bake! Yes I know I usually bake when am stressed but it has been a long week and its been a damn long time since I've been near the oven.

Apparently they was an overstock of banana in the fridge so I decided to make a banana cake!

There was a lack of deco items so I decided to improvise..haha

I don't really have much plans for the week accept maybe going to the library for assaignments.Yes there is a true geek deep within!

Off to some relaxin readin now!


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