Saturday, October 11, 2008

Off A Cliff And Into The Sea!

Wouldn't it be utterly awesome if you could jump off a superr high cliff with a fuckin cool view and fall into the dark blue ocean with a big huge SPLASH!

I think the thrill of the whole thing would be a permanent picture in your head.The wind blowing in your face,the thrill,anxiety,fear of dying and the aderaline rush.All of it mixed into this strong feeling of LIVIN!

Its just that I really feel like jumping off some cliff.But where to find one around here.There isnt a freakin hill around my area and definately no ocean! Haha It's times like this that I wish I lived by the ocean...

Th current time is to be blamed for this rather disturbing thought.Its 4 am btw.

Can't seem to go sleep now.I'm havin all this random thoughts in my head.They're rather amusin though.Sometimes I wander what intiates such things. The cause of my current insomania could also maybe be because of my emotions, which seem to be all over the place.They just seem soo unsettled.And I have no idea how to fix it...*bah*

I need sleeping pills!


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