Thursday, October 11, 2007

I Am Who I Am; Your Approval Is Not Desired Or Required!

[Mood: Thoughful]
[Music: Michelle Featherstone - Go On My Child]

Judge: to form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence

This is what it says in the Webster Dictionary. But people seem to have lost the meaning of "to judge" There isnt any careful weighing of evidence or any of that such. They just grasp something and form a statement and their mind is set.

I've never really been judged throughout my life. There were the occasional times but there were really countable. And they never have affected me anyways. The other day as I was speaking to someone and as our conversation went on...I was hit by the vibe of judgement real hard. Bad enough to make me tear. This has never ever happened to me before. I just sat on my bed in shock and I felt so hurt and angry. As I lay in on my pillow, so much ran through my mind. And at that moment I felt regret slowly creepin its way.Thank Goodness I feel asleep soon enough.I really can't afford regret at this moment.Especially not now! Just when I feel am fallin into place and stability is here.

I know I've made mistakes but no one has the right to judge an individual! So yeah maybe I should have known better and all that. But its not that this doesn't happen to people.Its especially when your young that you fall short the most.Some fall lower than others but it doesnt mean they're a lesser person.At times the one that falls more,may seem stronger and smarter in situations. You just never really know actually.

I know it's so easy to form judgemental statements but when you do so.Do be considerate.Do you want another to do that to you? To label you? To make you seem something you're not? To have this mind set bout you and think bout you that way all the time? So do be position yourself in the other's shoes before making up your mind on a statement....Do take the time and give people a chance...!

People are gonna talk about you....
Especially when they envy you and the life you live,
Let them,
You affeted their lives but They didnt Affect Yours!

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