Wednesday, May 24, 2006

For I Know Am Gonna Miss You

[Music:James Blunt - Tears and Rain]

All those wonderful memories together,
Spending time laughing and smiling,
Giggling and flirting,
They mean so much to me,
Those Christmas times where we got to spend those extra quality time,
By giving excuses of learning new songs,
The late night chats of getting to know each other,
Those silly little fights that always made us laugh a few dayz later,
Am gonna miss all of that,
Cause you make my weekends a little special all the time,
The thoughts of being able to see you on a Saturday nite makes me go to sleep smiling,
All those excuses we made,
So we can spend time of the phone,
I guess this is called life,
Where you've got to let go of some thingz,
And be mature bout it,
For I really am trying,
But I don't seem to be doing to well though,
I can't seem to sit alone without tears in my eyes,
For I haven't really learned on how to deal with change,
Looks like there's gonna be less of seeing you,
You know I always taught we're gonna have times times like that,
But I guess that's what I hoped for,
Your really special to me,
And I have no idea how to explain that,
All I know is you mean a lot to me,
And I love you so much,
Even as write this I have tears in my eyes,
Cause I know my darling that am gonna miss you,
Miss you ever sooo sooo much............

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